Volunteer Spotlight – Jed and Carrie Malmberg, Flag Mission Captains/Photographer

Volunteer Spotlight – Jed and Carrie Malmberg, Flag Mission Captains/Photographer

MBTF could not exist without our awesome volunteers. Two such volunteers are Jed and Carrie Malmberg, Flag Mission Captains for the Foundation since 2018.

By Carrie Malmberg, Foundation Photographer

It was the dark November that we all learned of Brent’s passing. We got a phone call from our friends with the idea to hang a giant flag in Coldwater Canyon to honor Brent and help our community heal. Our task was to secretly gather volunteers in our trail running community without Jennie knowing. We helped secure the southside anchor for the flag to fly that day.

So, my husband and I started helping with the Foundation from day one, but we came to know Jennie the day we hiked her family up to the flag. Our group became a family that just wanted to do good and spread what we were feeling.

Our patriotism has grown as we’ve had many opportunities to get to know veterans and their families.

Crazy to realize, we’re almost six years in. We serve in the Foundation mostly with flags and honoring veterans at memorials, funerals, Homecomings, and even rodeos and football games.

This last year, we’ve also had the opportunity to help with the Goldstar Families GWOT trip to Fort Moore to see the monument. Such a humbling experience as we were able to get to know some Utah families who have suffered through losing their family member.

Words can’t express how much being a part of this Foundation has impacted our lives. Serving alongside amazing people and being involved in healing missions is what pulls us in. And those experiences and miracles we will remember forever.

We appreciate how different we all are and how much good we can do when we work together as a Foundation. Looking forward to seeing you all this fall at future events.


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