September Message from the Executive Board of Advisors – Jill Koford

September Message from the Executive Board of Advisors – Jill Koford

Growing up in the Ogden Valley, I am a proud graduate of Weber High. I have been married for 29 years to my awesome husband Rod and we have three kids, and three slightly neurotic rescue dogs!

During college, I wanted to join the military and wanted to fly, but without 20/20 eyesight I wouldn’t qualify as a pilot, and chose a different path. However, my admiration for our men and women in the armed forces runs deep. Eventually I earned a degree in teaching which is one of the things that drew me to the Major Brent Taylor Foundation, I’m passionate about teaching students to love our country, honor our heroes, and engage in civic opportunities.

Giving the next generation a high impact learning experience- whether it’s with the BT5, The 9/11 Project, or a flag mission – where they can learn about civics, history, our military and first responders, and how to engage in their communities, is something I love about the Foundation.

In 2021, I volunteered for the first Weber Remembers event. I think I did 5,000 squats helping to build the framing for the walls, working alongside a really sweet woman – sharing stories and talking about 9/11. It wasn’t until we had been working together for several hours that I learned she was Brent’s mom. After working with hundreds of volunteers and watching the project come together, I very literally couldn’t leave, and spent the better part of the weekend volunteering. That weekend when thousands of people came through the exhibit, and seeing how it impacted them, I knew I wanted to be more involved with the Foundation.

As a graphic artist, I’ve been able to help with some of the designs and logos we use at the Foundation, and one of my favorite projects has been the GWOT Family Flight. Learning about our Gold Star families and our honored heroes – their love of country and determination to be part of something greater is humbling and life changing. We are so blessed to live in a country that fights for freedom.

Serving on the Brent Taylor Foundation Board is one of my greatest honors and I’m so grateful to give back in a small way to the community through the Foundation’s mission.


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